These are all of the import statements:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from calendar import monthrange, month_name
import datetime as dt
import pickle as pkl
Import MET Data (lambda/no lambda)¶
def load_met_data(inputfiles, verbose=False):
Load the data with a lambda function.
This function extracts the data from the input Comma-Separated (.csv) files and outputs them into a pandas DataFrame.
param inputfiles: All of the input files (.csv) to be loaded for analysis. param verbose: Defines whether or not the name of the file should be printed as the function runs. type inputfiles: list type verbose: Boolean returns metdat: Contains all of the requested data extracted from the input files. rtype metdat: pandas DataFrame
# date parser for pandas
dp = lambda x: pd.datetime.strptime(x, '%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S')
filecount = 0
for fName in inputfiles:
df_lo = pd.read_csv(fName,\
if filecount==0:
metdat = df_lo.copy()
metdat = metdat.append(df_lo.copy())
filecount += 1
if verbose is True:
metdat.index = metdat.index.tz_localize('UTC').tz_convert('America/Denver')
# replace flagged value '-999.0' with nans
metdat[metdat==-999.0] = np.nan
return metdat
def load_met_data_alt(inputfiles, verbose=False):
Load the data without a lambda function.
This function extracts the data from the input Comma-Separated (.csv) files and outputs them into a pandas DataFrame. This is an alternate to the previous function to avoid the use of a data parser lambda function.
param inputfiles: All of the input files (.csv) to be loaded for analysis. param verbose: Defines whether or not the name of the file should be printed as the function runs. type inputfiles: list type verbose: Boolean returns metdat: A pandas DataFrame containing all of the requested data extracted from the input files. rtype metdat: pandas DataFrame
filecount = 0
for fName in inputfiles:
df_lo = pd.read_csv(fName,\
if filecount==0:
metdat = df_lo.copy()
metdat = metdat.append(df_lo.copy())
filecount += 1
if verbose is True:
metdat['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(metdat['Date'], errors='coerce', infer_datetime_format=True)
metdat = metdat[metdat.Date.notnull()]
metdat = metdat.set_index('Date')
# metdat.index = metdat.index.tz_localize('UTC').tz_convert('America/Denver')
temp = [name for name in list(metdat.columns.values) if ' QC' not in name]
qcNames = [name for name in list(metdat.columns.values) if ' QC' in name]
fNames = [name for name in temp if name + ' QC' in qcNames]
metdat[fNames] = metdat[fNames].values.astype(np.float64)
metdat[qcNames] = metdat[qcNames].values.astype(np.int32)
if verbose is True:
print('dtypes corrected')
# replace flagged value '-999.0' with nans
metdat[metdat==-999.0] = np.nan
return metdat
Filter the Data¶
def drop_nan_cols(metdat):
Remove empty columns.
This function takes the contents of the pandas DataFrame containing all of the data from the input files and filters it by removing any missing columns (e.g., N/A).
param metdat: Contains all of the requested data extracted from the input files. type metdat: pandas DataFrame returns temp: Contains all of the requested data extracted from the input files without any missing columns (e.g., N/A) rtype temp: pandas DataFrame
temp = metdat.dropna(axis=1,how='all')
return temp
def qc_mask(metdat):
Remove columns for quality control.
This function takes the contents of the pandas DataFrame containing all of the data from the input files and filters data based on a mask of columns containing the term ‘qc’ (Quality Control parameters).
param metdat: Contains all of the requested data extracted from the input files. type metdat: pandas DataFrame returns dfFilt: Contains a filtered version of the requested data extracted from the input files by removing columns containing a quality control parameter. rtype dfFilt: pandas DataFrame
temp = [name for name in list(metdat.columns.values) if ' QC' not in name]
qcNames = [name for name in list(metdat.columns.values) if ' QC' in name]
fNames = [name for name in temp if name + ' QC' in qcNames]
print('number of data columns:', len(fNames))
print('number of QC columns:', len(qcNames))
# initialize filtered dataframe with 'record', 'version'
dfFilt = metdat[metdat.columns.values[[0,1]]].copy()
# apply QC mask to each set of columns individually
for f, q in zip(fNames, qcNames):
# print(fname, qname)
temp = metdat[[f, q]].copy()
mask = temp[q] == 1
temp = temp[mask]
dfFilt[f] = temp[f]
return dfFilt
Begin Categorization¶
def flag_stability(metdat):
Denote stability based on Obukhov Length.
This function takes the contents of the pandas DataFrame containing all of the data from the input files and adds a new set of columns denoting a stability class based on the Obukhov Length at various heights.
param metdat: Contains all of the requested data extracted from the input files. type metdat: pandas DataFrame returns stabcat: Contains the stability flag parameter for each desired row of the input data based on the Obukhov Length and can be classified as Very Stable, Stable, Neutral, Unstable, and Very Unstable. returns stabconds: Contains the values of the Obukhov Length for each desired row of the input data. rtype stabcat: dictionary rtype stabconds: list
MOLcols = [col for col in metdat.columns if 'monin-obukhov length' in col.lower()]
for col in MOLcols:
# get probe height
z = int(col.split('m')[0].split('(')[-1])
# extract data from MetDat
L = metdat[col].copy()
categoriesIdx = {'Very Stable': (L>0) & (L<=200),
'Stable' : (L>200) & (L<=500),
'Neutral' : (L<-500) | (L>500),
'Unstable' : (L>=-500) & (L<-200),
'Very Unstable': (L>=-200) & (L<0)}
# make new column
newcolname = 'Stability Flag ({}m)'.format(z)
metdat[newcolname] = np.nan
for cat in categoriesIdx.keys():
metdat.loc[categoriesIdx[cat],newcolname] = cat
stabcat = {'stability flag': [x for x in metdat.columns if 'Stability Flag' in x]}
stabconds = [x for x in categoriesIdx]
return stabconds, stabcat
Groom Data Based on Parameters¶
def groom_data(metdat, varcats):
Trim data based on several parameters.
This function takes the contents of the pandas DataFrame containing all of the data from the input files as well as a list of categories that are desired to be kept and outputs a statement displaying the remaining number of columns left after filtering.
Possible Edit: This function could be divided into separate functions or could be made more general. Additionally the following code could be used…
dropcols = True
filter = [‘ti’, 'monin-obukhov length','temperature','gradient richarson']):
- cont.
param metdat: Contains all of the requested data extracted from the input files. param varcats: All the categories which are desired to be kept after filtering. type metdat: pandas DataFrame type varcats: list returns: A print statement displaying the number of columns after filtering for columns not contained in the list of desired columns, Turbulent Intensity, Obukhov Length, Sonic Temperature, and Gradient Richardson Number. rtype: string
## drop columns
keepcols = [v for x in varcats for v in varcats[x]]
dropcols = [col for col in metdat.columns if col not in keepcols]
metdat.drop(dropcols, axis=1, inplace=True)
# filter TI to where wind speed >= 1 m/s
for ii,_ in enumerate(varcats['speed']):
metdat.loc[metdat[varcats['speed'][ii]]<1,varcats['ti'][ii]] = np.nan
# filter obhukov length
for col in varcats['monin-obukhov length']:
metdat.loc[np.abs(metdat[col])>2000, col] = np.nan
# filter sonic temperatures (kelvins vs degrees C)
for col in varcats['air temperature']:
metdat.loc[np.abs(metdat[col])>200, col] = metdat.loc[np.abs(metdat[col])>200, col]-273
# filter gradient richardson number
for col in varcats['gradient richardson']:
metdat.loc[np.abs(metdat[col])>20, col] = np.nan
print('number of columns after filtering: {}'.format(len(metdat.columns)))
def reject_outliers(data, m=5):
Remove any outliers.
This function takes the contents of the pandas DataFrame containing all of the data from a desired data file and outputs a filtered version by removing any outliers.
param data: Contains the desired data that is to be filtered for outliers. param m: Denotes the number of standard deviations that are desired as a cutoff for defining outliers. type data: pandas DataFrame type m: integer returns data: A filtered version of the input data file by rejecting any outliers above m (5) standard deviations. rtype data: pandas DataFrame
return data[abs(data - np.mean(data)) < m * np.std(data)]
Organize the Data¶
def categorize_fields(metdat, keeplist=None, excludelist=None):
Categorize all of the fields of the data.
This function takes the contents of the pandas DataFrame containing all of the data from a desired input data file and outputs the variable categories, units, labels for plotting, and strings for saving files and figures.
param metdat: A pandas DataFrame containing all of the requested data extracted from the input files. param keeplist: A list containing all of the categories that are to be kept after filtering the desired input data. param excludelist: A list containing all of the categories that are to be excluded after the filtering desired input data. returns varcats: A dictionary containing all of the categories in the desired data. returns varunits: A dictionary containing all of the units of the desired data. returns varlabels: A dictionary containing all of the labels that will be used for plotting the desired data. returns varsave: A dictionary containing all of the string values that will be used for saving files and figures of the desired data.
colnames = metdat.columns
temp = [x.split(' (')[0].lower() if '(u)' not in x and '(v)' not in x and '(w)' not in x else x.split(') (')[0].lower() + ')' for x in colnames]
temp = set(temp)
temp = list(temp)
# remove unwanted fields
if excludelist is not None:
if excludelist is True:
excludelist = categories_to_exclude()
for excl in excludelist:
for x in temp:
if excl.lower() in x.lower():
ind = temp.index(x)
# or keep only a select list
if keeplist is not None:
if keeplist is True:
keeplist = categories_to_keep()
temp = list(set(temp).intersection(keeplist))
varcats = {cat:[x for x in colnames if x.lower().split(cat)[0]==''] for cat in temp}
varcats['speed'] = [x for x in varcats['speed'] if 'speed (' in x.lower()]
varcats['dissipation rate'] = [x for x in varcats['dissipation rate'] if 'sf' not in x.lower()]
varcats['ti'] += [x for x in colnames if 'cup equivalent ti' in x.lower()]
# units
units = get_units()
varunits = {cat: v for cat in varcats for x,v in units.items() if x.title() in cat.title()}
# labels for plotting
varlabels = {x: x.title()+' '+ varunits[x] for x in varcats}
# a few ad hoc corrections
varlabels['turbulent kinetic energy'] = 'TKE'+ varunits['turbulent kinetic energy']
varlabels['direction'] = 'Wind ' + varlabels['direction']
varlabels['speed'] = 'Wind ' + varlabels['speed']
varlabels[ 'stability parameter z/l'] = 'Stability Parameter z/L [--]'
# strings for saving files and figures
varsave = {x: x.replace(' ','_').replace('/','') for x in varcats}
return varcats, varunits, varlabels, varsave
def get_catinfo(metdat):
Get categorical information of the data.
This function takes the contents of the pandas DataFrame containing all of the data from a desired input data file and returns a set containing all of the categories, units, labels for plotting, and strings for saving files and figures.
param metdat: A pandas DataFrame containing all of the requested data extracted from the input files. returns catinfo: A set containing all of the categories, units, labels for plotting, and strings for saving files and figures for the desired data.
varcats, varunits, varlabels, varsave = categorize_fields(metdat, keeplist=True)
catinfo = {}
catinfo['columns'] = varcats
catinfo['units'] = varunits
catinfo['labels'] = varlabels
catinfo['save'] = varsave
return catinfo
Auxiliary Functions to Filter Data¶
def categories_to_exclude():
Define categories to exclude for filtering.
This function does not take in any inputs but does output a list containing all of the categories that are chosen to be excluded from the desired input data.
param: None. returns excats: A list containing all of the categories that are chosen to be excluded from the desired input data.
excats = ['advection',
'Preciptation Sensor',
'speed U',
'std. dev.',
'zero-crossing integral length scale (u)',
'peak coherent',
'speed u',
'peak downward',
'peak upward',
'velocity structure']
return excats
def categories_to_keep():
Define categories to keep for filtering.
This function does not take in any inputs but does output a list containing all of the categories that are chosen to be included from the desired input data.
param: None. returns keepcats: A list containing all of the categories that are chosen to be included from the desired input data.
keepcats = ['air density',
'air pressure',
'air temperature',
'coherent tke',
# 'cov(u_w)',
# 'cov(w_t)',
'dissipation rate',
'gradient richardson',
'integral length scale (u)',
'integral length scale (v)',
'integral length scale (w)',
# "mean(w't')",
# 'momentum flux',
'monin-obukhov length',
'relative humidity',
# 'speed gradient richardson',
'stability flag',
'stability parameter z/l',
'turbulent kinetic energy',
'wind shear',
'wind veer']
return keepcats
Code for Future Plotting¶
def get_units():
Get units for the data.
This function does not take in any inputs but does output a dictionary containing all of the units of the desired input data.
param: None. returns units: A dictionary containing all of the units of the desired input data.
units = {'density': r'[kg/m$^3$]',
'pressure': r'[mmHg]',
'temperature': r'[$^\circ C$]',
'direction': r'[$^\circ$]',
'dissipation': r'[m$^2$/s$^3$]',
'richardson': r'[--]',
'length': r'[m]',
'humidity': r'[%]',
'speed': r'[m/s]',
'stability parameter z/l': r'[--]',
'ti': r'[%]',
'turbulent kinetic energy': r'[m$^2$/s$^2$]',
'shear': r'[--]',
'veer': r'[$^\circ$]',
'flag': r'[--]'}
return units
def make_datetime_vector(filename, span=10, freq=20.0):
Generate a time range for the data.
This function takes inputs from filenames of the form ‘%m_%d_%y_%H_%M_%S_%U.mat’ of the desired span and frequency of data and generates a vector for the date and time for the data.
param filename: A string denoting the desired file name for the input data. param span: An integer value used to define the span of the data included in the filename (Minutes). returns timerange: A pandas DatetimeIndex value used to define the range of times with which the data covers.
# caluclate number of data (periods) in file
periods = int(span*60*freq)
# format frequency as a string denoting resolution in microseconds
freq = '{}U'.format(int(1000000/freq))
# make start time as datetime.datetime from filename
starttime = list(map(int,filename.strip('.mat').split('_')))
starttime = dt.datetime(starttime[2],starttime[0],starttime[1],
# get timerange as vector of datetimes
timerange = pd.date_range(start=starttime, periods=periods, freq=freq)
return timerange
Refine for Specific Height and IEC Standards¶
def make_dataframe_for_height(inputdata, timerange, probeheight=74, include_UTC=False):
Generate a DataFrame based on the probe height.
This function takes inputs from desired input data and returns a pandas DataFrame containing all of the desired data at the given probe height including wind speed, wind direction, and the date and timestamps of the input data.
param inputdata: A dictionary containing all of the desired input data. param timerange: A pandas DatetimeIndex value used to define the range of times with which the data covers. param probeheight: An integer or float value used to define the desired height of the probe from which to begin data analysis (m). param include_UTC: A Boolean value used to determine whether or not an UTC timestamp is desired of the form ‘time_UTC’. returns sonicdat: A pandas DataFrame containing all of the desired data at the given probe height including wind speed, wind direction, and the date and timestamps of the input data.
# select all variables at a given height
varnames = list(inputdata.keys())
varnames = [var for var in varnames if str(probeheight) in var]
# get windspeed variable
temp = [var for var in varnames if 'WS' in var]
temp.extend([var for var in varnames if 'CupEqHorizSpeed' in var])
# get winddirection variable
temp.extend([var for var in varnames if 'WD' in var])
temp.extend([var for var in varnames if 'direction' in var])
# include the UTC time
if include_UTC is True:
# get variables of interest into a new dict
sonicdat = {var: inputdata[var][0][0][0].squeeze() for var in temp}
# make a Pandas DataFrame
sonicdat = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(sonicdat)
# setup datetime index
sonicdat['datetime'] = timerange[0:len(sonicdat.index)]
sonicdat.set_index('datetime', inplace=True)
sonicdat = sonicdat.rename(index=str, columns={temp[0]:'WS', temp[1]:'WD'})
return sonicdat
def setup_IEC_params(sonicdat, probeheight=100):
Establish IEC parameters.
This function takes inputs from a pandas DataFrame containing all of the desired data at the given probe height and establishes all of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) parameters for the given input data and probe height.
param sonicdat: A pandas DataFrame containing all of the desired data at the given probe height including wind speed, wind direction, and the date and timestamps of the input data. param probeheight: An integer or float value used to define the desired height of the probe from which to begin data analysis (m). returns params: A dictionary containing all of the parameters established by the IEC for the given input data and probe height.
### quantities of interest for IEC
# turbulence estimate over period, standard deviation of cupspeed
# filter wind directions that cross the 360/0 threshold
if sonicdat['WD'].mean() > 180:
sonicdat.loc[sonicdat['WD'] < 100,'WD'] += 360
sonicdat.loc[sonicdat['WD'] > 350,'WD'] += -360
######## parameters
### IEC parameters
params = {'turbclass': 'IA'}
# Based on IEC Class IA
params['Vref'] = 50.0 #m/s
params['Iref'] = 0.16 # turbulence intensity
# 'average' velocity
params['Vave'] = 0.2*params['Vref']
# shear exponent
params['alpha'] = 0.2
# longitudinal turbulence scale parameter
if probeheight < 60:
params['Lambda_1'] = 0.7*probeheight # m
params['Lambda_1'] = 42 # m
# shear exponent
params['alpha'] = 0.2
params['beta'] = 6.4
### data parameters
# NREL GE1.5MW rotor diameter
params['D'] = 80
# sampling frequency
params['freq'] = 20 # Hz
# probe height
params['probeheight'] = probeheight
### normal wind profile model
params['zhub'] = 80 # m
# 'hub' height velocity (really just mean probe velocity)
params['vhub'] = sonicdat['WS'].mean() # m/s
# dummy vertical coordinate
params['z'] = np.linspace(0,120,120)
# standard normal velocity profile
params['vprofile'] = params['vhub']*(params['z']/params['zhub'])**params['alpha']
params['sigma_data'] = sonicdat['WS'].std()
### Normal Wind speed distributions
# dummy velocity data
params['vrange'] = np.linspace(0,params['Vref'],100)
# velocity probability density function
params['pdf'] = params['vrange']/(params['Vave']**2)* \
# velocity cumulative probability density function
params['cdf'] = 1.0-np.exp(-np.pi* (params['vrange']/(2*params['Vave']))**2)
# Extreme wind speed model (EWM)
params['Ve50'] = 1.4*params['Vref']*(params['probeheight']/params['zhub'])**(0.11)
params['Ve01'] = 0.8*params['Ve50']
return params
Find Extreme Events¶
def find_EWM_events(sonicdat, params):
Find extreme wind speed events.
This function takes inputs from a pandas DataFrame containing all of the desired data and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) parameters at the given probe height, determines extreme wind speed events, and returns the findings in lists separating one-year and 50-year events. These lists will be concatenated to a larger list which will be used to index files later.
param sonicdat: A pandas DataFrame containing all of the desired data at the given probe height including wind speed, wind direction, and the date and timestamps of the input data. param params: A dictionary containing all of the parameters established by the IEC for the given input data and probe height. returns Ve01eventfound: A list of all the extreme wind events higher than within the past year. returns Ve50eventfound: A list of all the extreme wind events higher than within the past 50 years.
# Compare extreme wind speeds to data
# extract df of events
Ve50eventfound = sonicdat[sonicdat['WS'] > params['Ve50']]
Ve01eventfound = sonicdat[sonicdat['WS'] > params['Ve01']]
return Ve01eventfound, Ve50eventfound
def find_EOG_events(sonicdat, params, T=10.5):
Find extreme operating wind gust events.
This function takes inputs from a pandas DataFrame containing all of the desired data and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) parameters at the given period for search, determines extreme operating wind gust events, and returns the findings in an object which can be used to index files later.
param sonicdat: A pandas DataFrame containing all of the desired data at the given probe height including wind speed, wind direction, and the date and timestamps of the input data. param params: A dictionary containing all of the parameters established by the IEC for the given input data and probe height. param T: A float used to define the period for search (Seconds). returns EOGeventfound: An object used to store any significant extreme operating wind gust events.
t = np.linspace(0,T,100)
# Compare maximum gust speed to data
# if an extreme events occurs, append time to list
EOGeventfound = pd.DataFrame()
for itime in range(0,len(sonicdat),int(T*params['freq'])):
# for itime, tempspeed in sonicdat['WS'].iloc[::int(T*params['freq'])].items():
# extract 6 second slice of direction data
vslice = sonicdat.iloc[itime:itime+int(T*params['freq'])]
# standard velocity variance
sigma_1 = params['Iref']*(0.75*vslice['WS'].mean() + 5.6)
Vgust = np.min([1.35*(params['Ve01']-vslice['WS'].iloc[0]), \
Vgust = vslice['WS'].iloc[0]-0.37*Vgust*np.sin(3*np.pi*t/T)*(1-np.cos(2*np.pi*t/T))
# test
Vgusttest = vslice[vslice['WS'] > Vgust.max()]
# index times of EOG events
if len(Vgusttest) > 0:
temp = pd.DataFrame([[vslice['WS'].iloc[0],vslice['WS'].max(),vslice['WS'].min(),\
vslice['WD'].iloc[0],vslice['WD'].max(),vslice['WD'].min()]], \
columns=['WS','WSmax','WSmin','WD','WDmax','WDmin'], index=vslice.index[0:1])
EOGeventfound = pd.concat([EOGeventfound, temp])
return EOGeventfound
def find_ETM_events(sonicdat, params):
Find extreme turbulence model events.
This function takes inputs from a pandas DataFrame containing all of the desired data and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) parameters at the given period for search, determines extreme turbulence model events, and returns the findings in an object which can be used to index files later.
param sonicdat: A pandas DataFrame containing all of the desired data at the given probe height including wind speed, wind direction, and the date and timestamps of the input data. param params: A dictionary containing all of the parameters established by the IEC for the given input data and probe height. returns ETMeventfound: An object used to store any significant extreme turbulence model events.
# Extreme turbulence model
c = 2 # m/s
sigmatest = c*params['Iref']*(0.072*(params['Vave']/c+3)*(params['vhub']/c+4)+10)
# Compare maximum turbulence to data
# if an extreme event occurs, append filename to list
sigmatest = params['sigma_data'] > sigmatest
ETMeventfound = pd.DataFrame()
if sigmatest:
temp = pd.DataFrame([[sonicdat['WS'].iloc[0],sonicdat['WS'].max(),sonicdat['WS'].min(),\
sonicdat['WD'].iloc[0],sonicdat['WD'].max(),sonicdat['WD'].min()]], \
columns=['WS','WSmax','WSmin','WD','WDmax','WDmin'], index=sonicdat.index[0:1])
ETMeventfound = pd.concat([ETMeventfound, temp])
return ETMeventfound
def find_EDC_events(sonicdat, params, T = 6):
Find extreme wind direction change events.
This function takes inputs from a pandas DataFrame containing all of the desired data and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) parameters at the given period for search, determines extreme wind direction change events, and returns the findings in an object which can be used to index files later.
param sonicdat: A pandas DataFrame containing all of the desired data at the given probe height including wind speed, wind direction, and the date and timestamps of the input data.
param params: A dictionary containing all of the parameters established by the IEC for the given input data and probe height.
param T: A float used to define the period for search (Seconds). returns EDCeventfound: An object used to store any significant extreme wind direction change events.
# seconds * sampling freq
stride = int(T*params['freq'])
# index times of EDC events
EDCeventfound = pd.DataFrame()
for itime in range(0,len(sonicdat),stride):
# for itime, tempspeed in sonicdat['WS'].iloc[::int(T*params['freq'])].items():
# extract 6 second slice of direction data
vslice = sonicdat.iloc[itime:itime+stride]
sigma_1 = params['Iref']*(0.75*vslice['WS'].mean() + 5.6)
# Maximum allowable change in wind direction over a 6 second period
theta_e = np.degrees(4*np.arctan(sigma_1/(vslice['WS'].iloc[0]*(1+0.1*params['D']/params['Lambda_1']))))
# test
if np.abs(vslice['WD'].iloc[0] - vslice['WD'].iloc[stride-1]) > theta_e:
temp = pd.DataFrame([[vslice['WS'].iloc[0],vslice['WS'].max(),vslice['WS'].min(),\
vslice['WD'].iloc[0],vslice['WD'].max(),vslice['WD'].min()]], \
columns=['WS','WSmax','WSmin','WD','WDmax','WDmin'], index=vslice.index[0:1])
EDCeventfound = pd.concat([EDCeventfound, temp])
return EDCeventfound
def find_ECD_events(sonicdat, params, T = 10):
Find extreme coherent wind gust with wind direction change events.
This function takes inputs from a pandas DataFrame containing all of the desired data and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) parameters at the given period for search, determines extreme coherent wind gust with wind direction change events, and returns the findings in an object which can be used to index files later.
param sonicdat: A pandas DataFrame containing all of the desired data at the given probe height including wind speed, wind direction, and the date and timestamps of the input data. param params: A dictionary containing all of the parameters established by the IEC for the given input data and probe height. param T: A float used to define the period for search (Seconds). returns ECDeventfound: An object used to store any significant extreme coherent wind gust with wind direction change events.
# Extreme coherent gust with direction change (ECD)
# extreme coherent gust velocity magnitude (delta)
Vcg = 15 # m/s See IEC standards
# T seconds at 20 Hz
t = np.linspace(0,10,int(T*params['freq']))
stride = int(T*params['freq'])
# function forms of coherent gust velocity and direction
# vzt = cupspeed[starttime] + 0.5*Vcg*(1-np.cos(np.pi*t/T))
# thetat = winddir[starttime] + 0.5*Vcg*(1-np.cos(np.pi*t/T))
# scan for ECD
# index times of EDC events
ECDeventfound = pd.DataFrame()
for itime in range(0,len(sonicdat),stride):
# for itime, tempspeed in sonicdat['WS'].iloc[::int(T*params['freq'])].items():
# extract 6 second slice of direction data
vslice = sonicdat.iloc[itime:itime+stride]
# start and end velocities
vstart = vslice['WS'].iloc[0]
vend = vslice['WS'].iloc[stride-1]
# extreme cohcerent gust velocity change
V_ECD = vstart + Vcg
# test for wind speed condition
if vend >= V_ECD:
# start and end directions
dstart = vslice['WD'].iloc[0]
dend = vslice['WD'].iloc[stride]
# extreme cohcerent gust direction change
if params['vhub'] < 4:
theta_cg = 180 # degrees
elif params['vhub'] < params['Vref']:
theta_cg = 720/params['vhub'] # degrees
# test for wind direction condition
if np.abs(dend-dstart) > theta_cg:
temp = pd.DataFrame([[vslice['WS'].iloc[0],vslice['WS'].max(),vslice['WS'].min(),\
vslice['WD'].iloc[0],vslice['WD'].max(),vslice['WD'].min()]], \
columns=['WS','WSmax','WSmin','WD','WDmax','WDmin'], index=vslice.index[0:1])
ECDeventfound = pd.concat([ECDeventfound, temp])
return ECDeventfound
def find_EWS_events(sonicdat, params, T = 12):
Find extreme coherent wind shear events.
This function takes inputs from a pandas DataFrame containing all of the desired data and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) parameters at the given period for search, determines extreme coherent wind shear events, and returns the findings in an object which can be used to index files later.
param sonicdat: A pandas DataFrame containing all of the desired data at the given probe height including wind speed, wind direction, and the date and timestamps of the input data. param params: A dictionary containing all of the parameters established by the IEC for the given input data and probe height. param T: A float used to define the period for search (Seconds). returns EWSeventfound: An object used to store any significant extreme wind shear events.
# Extreme wind shear (EWS)
# extreme coherent gust velocity magnitude
Vcg = 15 # m/s
# T seconds at 20 Hz
t = np.linspace(0,T,int(T*params['freq']))
stride = int(T*params['freq'])
# # transient horizontal shear (not applicable in our data...)
# v_horz_pos = vhub*(probeheight/zhub)**alpha + ((probeheight-zhub)/D)*(2.5 + 0.2*beta*sigma_1*(D/Lambda_1)**0.25)*(1-np.cos(np.pi*T/T))
# scan for EWS
EWSeventfound = pd.DataFrame()
for itime in range(0,len(sonicdat),stride):
# extract 6 second slice of direction data
vslice = sonicdat.iloc[itime:itime+stride]
sigma_1 = params['Iref']*(0.75*vslice['WS'].mean() + 5.6)
extreme = ((params['probeheight']-params['zhub'])/params['D'])*\
(2.5 + 0.2*params['beta']*sigma_1*(params['D']/params['Lambda_1'])**0.25)\
# transient vertical shear
v_vert_pos = vslice['WS'].iloc[0]*(params['probeheight']/params['zhub'])**params['alpha'] + extreme
v_vert_neg = vslice['WS'].iloc[0]*(params['probeheight']/params['zhub'])**params['alpha'] - extreme
# test
vtest = vslice['WS'][(vslice['WS'] > v_vert_pos) & (vslice['WS'] < v_vert_neg)]
if len(vtest) > 0:
temp = pd.DataFrame([[vslice['WS'].iloc[0],vslice['WS'].max(),vslice['WS'].min(),\
vslice['WD'].iloc[0],vslice['WD'].max(),vslice['WD'].min()]], \
columns=['WS','WSmax','WSmin','WD','WDmax','WDmin'], index=vslice.index[0:1])
EWSeventfound = pd.concat([EWSeventfound, temp])
return EWSeventfound